Things To Do Before 2016

Welcome to Blogmas 2015! I've been seriously debating about whether or not I was going to join in with Blogmas, but then I thought why the hell not? It's not like I value my free time or anything... I'm kidding! (kind of) So yes, this is just a little declaration to let you guys know that you'll be getting a blog post every single day from me from December 1st right up until Christmas! Not all of them are going to be centred around Christmas because 1. I'll probably have other stuff to talk about, 2. it'll probably get on your nerves and 3. I didn't want to alienate anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. But yes. Anyway. Onto my to-do list.
Of course I'm still going to be working on my 2015 Goals during December, but I thought I'd list a few things that I feel like need to be done before I'm ready to welcome 2016. I always try my best to make the transition as clean and 'fresh' as possible, so that from the very first day of the year I can work on my next round of goals!

Begin to plan vegan meal ideas.
 Finish 2 books.
Begin to think about my 2016 goals.
 Deep cleanse my make-up brushes.
 ♥ Reach 300 followers on Instagram.
Reach 400 followers on Bloglovin'.
♥ Meet up with a friend.
 ♥ Decide what I'm going to do for my birthday.
  Donate to a food bank or women's shelter.
 ♥ Buy a new notebook.
 Own every single Lush Winter bath bomb (besides Cinders).
 Figure out what the f I'm doing with my life.
What do you hope to achieve before 2016? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I've been slowly working on compiling my 2016 goals too (: these all sound like lovely things to do before the year ends! Top of my list is to do many airport-style run and hugs when I land back in England! xx

  2. Excited for your blogmas posts! I've decided to try blogmas as well this year. Really great list of goals! I just hope to come even a little bit close to achieving my 2015 goal list before 2016 starts (its not looking good! haha) Have a great day!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  3. Haha this is a great little list. Definitely agree with you on the food bank, so important to donate this time of year. And I've actually already achieved owning all the Lush Christmas range (go me, kind of...). Poor wallet! x

  4. Good luck with Blogmas! I don't think i could manage to post everyday.
    Great goals, I hope you manage to achieve them :)

    Bethan Likes

  5. The first goal is amazing! Veganism makes you feel so good in every way possible xxx x


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