
Watching | I'm the kind of person that always has a million TV shows on the go. At the moment, I'm watching Pokémon Diamond & Pearl and am re-watching PLL from the beginning. Diamond & Pearl is possibly my favourite Pokémon season (aside from the original two) because I love Dawn! I think she's so adorable. Her Pokémon are some of my favourites too. I also love the introduction of the Pokémon Contests, they're much more entertaining to me than the usual battles. As far as PLL is concerned - I'm currently on Season 3 and Cece has just been introduced! It's so interesting to pick up on things that are relevant now that I know who she really is.

Listening | James Bay, 5SOS, All Time Low, Lorde, George Ezra... the usual.
Eating | I actually just ate five peanut butter oreos and I kind of regret it because I feel a bit sick now. In other news I bought a nut roast from Tesco yesterday and I'm hella excited to try it, as it seems to be some kind of vegetarian rite-of-passage that I've skipped out on. I'm also attempting to cook my very first vegetable curry tonight!
Reading | I went through a huge reading slump after I finished reading Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill (review coming soon). However I was in a supermarket the other day and saw that they had the Twilight 10th Anniversary book and it gave me the urge to reread Twilight. So that's what I'm currently reading! My copy of New Moon somehow disappeared but I rebought it from a charity shop today for £1.50!
Feeling | Unmotivated, uninspired and generally a bit crap. My mental health hasn't been great and I haven't been leaving the house for several days at a time, but I feel like my mood is beginning to pick back up again. I reconnected with an old friend (who I adore and missed like crazy) and chatting to her has given me a real boost. Plus my boyfriend was Man of the Match in his football game on Sunday! I was (still am) so so proud of him. I'm literally that girlfriend that never misses a game, is always shivering on the sideline no matter how many layers she's wearing and who always recommends her boyfriend for Man of the Match even if he lets in 25 goals. (Luke's a goalkeeper)
Gaming | I'm like, hardcore into Animal Crossing at the moment. I've always played it really casually but then I started looking up inspiration on Tumblr and I discovered how much effort some people put into their town! (Plus I visited Imogen's town and discovered she's like the Animal Crossing queen) So I've been landscaping my town and have given my home a little décor re-jig. It's so much fun! I also played a few games of Cluedo with my family the other day which was amazing.
Looking Forward To | The weekend! I've never been one of those 'living for the weekend' people, mostly because anyone who I know that says that is always looking forward to getting drunk on a Saturday night and that isn't my scene at all. My weekends are fairly exciting at the moment though - there's Strictly Come Dancing, the rugby World Cup, my boyfriend's football games every Sunday morning and then the obligatory dad-daughter Asda trip in the afternoon. Plus I've been enjoying having Lush baths on a Saturday afternoon instead of the night time as the lighting is so much better for blog photos. God, I really live life on the edge don't I?!


  1. I want to try peanut butter oreos so bad! Love peanut butter and chocolate so why not!


  2. I really enjoy reading and also appreciate your work. Welcome go to site desksta


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