The Happy List #3

To be honest, I was thinking about skipping this post this month. Not because I've had nothing to be happy about - the opposite is true - but just because I've been feeling a bit down recently. I just think my confidence has taken a huge knock again, and going to Art Therapy every week has been quite draining, on top of all of the other responsibilities I have. But then I thought: when I'm feeling like this, it's probably the best time to write this post, to make myself feel better!

one. It's my birthday on the 3rd of next month, and my mum's friend made me the most ADORABLE LITTLE THING EVER. It's a little crocheted Squirtle! Can you believe it? It's SO CUTE. Best early birthday present ever.
two. Bristol Rugby. On the 18th of this month, my boyfriend and I took a trip to Ashton Gate to watch the Bristol Rugby match against Yorkshire. To be honest, the first 3/4 of the game was pretty boring, but the ending was so exciting as Bristol JUST took the lead at the last minute. I'm not a huge sports fan, but there's something to be said about the adrenaline and excitement that the crowd gives you when you watch it live.
three. Another little outing I took this month was to the Hippodrome to watch the Swan Lake Ballet. It was amazing to see something so magical and special happen right in front of me. I loved the Swan Queen (she was completely stunning) and listening to the orchestra. I wrote a whole post about it here.
four. Switching to Cruelty Free. This month marked the beginning of my cruelty free lifestyle switch-up, and I've made an effort to include some more cruelty free beauty here on my blog. Superdrug has been invaluable during this change as all of their own-brand products are cruelty free, plus I've joined in with a #cfbloggers chat on Twitter and have added some vegan accounts to my Instagram. 
five. Challenging my anxiety. I feel like I say this all the time, but I'm still continuing to challenge my anxiety. Not every day, but often enough that I feel like I'm making progress. There are a few things that I still find impossible to do, but taking small steps is helping a lot. Hopefully 2015 will be the year that I can finally get it under control!
six. Roast potatoes. Do I need to explain this? Ever since Christmas I've been completely addicted again. Luckily every Sunday I'm at my Dad's I have a roast dinner, so I don't have to wait long for my next fix haha!
Another honourable mention is that I won a Twitter giveaway! I won a few bags of vegetables crisps, that I'm planning on talking about on the blog at some point. Still - I've never won a giveaway before! I hope you have all had a fabulous January!


  1. Ahh, the Swan Lake ballet must've been stunning. Cruelty Free is definitely a big deal. Really glad that you're transitioning into the lifestyle as well! And about number five, I'm so happy for your progress and wishing that you keep on going! You can do it, Lauren. Xxx

    1. It was so lovely! I'm actually really enjoying being Cruelty Free - it's helping me spend a lot less, too. And aw thank you so much! xx

  2. That little squirtle is so cute! Happy early birthday :)



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