Things To Do Before 2015

I'm one of those people who believe in that cliché 'Fresh Year, Fresh Start', and whilst that isn't always the case, I always make an effort to make the transition into the new year as fresh and clean as possible. A few nights ago I thought about all of the little projects or aims that I wanted to have completed before 2015, and thought I'd share it with you guys. There are a few regarding my anxiety, a few about my blog and a few just about life!
Finish American Horror Story Season One.
Paint my bedroom.
Reach 100 blog followers on Bloglovin'
Own a tartan scarf.
Join in with a blogger chat.
Attend one art therapy class.
Write a short story.
Finish half of my TBR pile.
Deep cleanse my make-up brushes.
Donate all clothes to charity that don't make me feel amazing.
Be able to walk to the supermarket alone.
De-clutter my computer.
If I add anything else to the list in my notebook, I'll add it onto this post! What do you want to achieve before 2015?


  1. I really like the "donate clothes that don't make me feel awesome" goal! I need to do the same. I don't usually make New Years resolutions... I have before and I never stick to them lol oops :P


    1. I'm such a nightmare with New Years resolutions as well - I've usually failed them within the first few days of January! x

  2. I have followed you on bloglovin, you are closer to your goal now ;)
    Becca xx

  3. I wish to sort out my career/future, I'm attempting to atm but it needs to be decided by then. I don't make resolutions either like Jessica but I would like to start swimming again.

    Amy at

    1. I need to do this too, definitely. I'm still so undecided in what I want to do! Wishing you the best of luck x

  4. Aw this was lovely to read, I also want to join in with a blogger chat! x

    1. Thank you! & I've actually joined in since writing this post, it's so much fun although I was really nervous! x

  5. I want to become more organized with blogging, and try to figure out what I want to do after college (which is scary!)
    I also recommend finishing AHS season 1- it was the only season I actually liked! I find the other seasons to be way too graphic for me.

    Also, twitter chats are amazing!! If you can find the time to do them, they're great for meeting other bloggers & getting new ideas :)

    from the desk of j

    1. I've actually finished watching AHS Season 1, and I totally agree with you - I don't like season 2 AT ALL, it's a bit too messed up to be entertaining for me x


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