Current Skincare Routine (Cruelty-Free)

Considering I'm professionally trained in skincare, you'd think I'd invest a little more time and effort into my skincare routine. I should do the routine I was taught, with all of the right products and skin cleansing massage techniques. But alas, I'm v lazy and you'll more often than not catch me wiping away my make-up with a face wipe. I'm trying my best to change this, though, because my skin isn't enjoying it and to be honest I don't think 'I'm lazy' is a very good excuse to neglect my skin. So today I thought I'd show you the products I'm currently using in order to banish the face wipes, the laziness and the not-so-nice dry flakiness from my skin.

Seed by Lisa Heathfield

Title: Seed
Author: Lisa Heathfield
Genre: Young Adult
Length: 335 pages
Published: 10th March 2015
Series: First book in a duo

2016 has actually been an okay year, book-wise. I mean, I'm 44% complete with my GoodReads reading challenge already so that's pretty good going, right? I've read some great books so far but without a doubt the best one I've read so far has been Seed by Lisa Heathfield.

Life Lately Through My iPhone

I've taken a lot of photos on my phone recently whenever I've been out (which I've been doing a lot recently, YAY) but I don't have enough photos from each trip to warrant a photo diary. So purely for my own future benefit, I thought I'd throw them all together into post with no real rhyme or reason. Most of them are from the trip I took to Portishead with my mum, Luke, Leigh and Luke's brother Josh but there's also one or two from when I went to town with my dad recently.

4 Cruelty-Free Mascaras Under £10

If I could only use one make-up item for the rest of my life it would undoubtedly be a good mascara. I don't feel quite myself unless I have thick, dark, fluttery eyelashes and I certainly look a hell of a lot prettier with them, too. Unfortunately it's proved difficult to find a cruelty-free mascara that is vegan but that also gives my lashes the length and volume that I require, generally because there are hardly any vegan mascaras out there. Today I thought I'd share with you four of the mascaras that I've tested out on my cruelty-free journey so far.

Things I'd Like To Do This Week

Today, I come to you with a confession. This is something that I've been denying for what feels like my entire life but today I'm going to come clean: I hate to do lists. They make me feel overwhelmed, stressed and like I couldn't possibly have enough time to do all these the things that I 'have to do'. So today I'm going to try and put a little spin on the 'regular' to do list and share a list of things that I'd like to do instead. (Idk why but even the wording of that makes me feel a lot calmer.)

Mini Spring Book Haul

Hihi! I have a little book haul for you all today. It's been so long since I've bought a lot of books at one time - in fact since Christmas I've only bought two other books aside from these five. It's very exciting to be adding new books to my shelf, though, and I'm even more excited about it because I genuinely can't wait to read all of these!

The Best Places To Buy Second-Hand Clothes

One of my 2016 goals is to purchase clothes on a 80-20 ratio: 20% new, 80% second-hand. I'm getting on really well so far - the only clothes I've bought new were featured in my recent Primark Haul and I have several fab new (to me) pieces in my wardrobe thanks to a few places that I'm going to list for you today!

Wreck This Journal #6

Hihi! I've been (semi) creative again! I actually dubbed April as my 'Self Improvement Month' in an effort to start doing all of the fun things I've been putting off, like learning a new language, how to write calligraphy and to also push myself with my anxiety. It's going pretty well so far, and today I have some physical proof!

4 Cruelty-Free Blogs You Need To Read

I realised that I haven't been sharing much love for my fellow bloggers on What Lauren Did Today recently - not since I wrote up my 'Blog Roll' master list. So today I thought I'd sprinkle some dazzling cruelty-free highlight onto a few of my current favourite cruelty-free bloggers! If you're just beginning to delve into the cruelty-free lifestyle then these four blogs are the perfect starting point. Not only do they share cruelty-free beauty posts (including collections and reviews), they all talk a little bit (or a lot) about vegan food!

March Favourites

Oh hey there April. Where did you SPRING from? Hahaha... sorry about that. Today I have a big ol' favourites post for you. I think that you can tell I'm beginning to live my life again after having a difficult few months as I actually have a bunch of things to talk about today. That's how you can tell when I'm sad - I don't bother with anything so never have things to talk about. But today I have lots to talk about so YAY.