If there's one New Year's resolution that I feel like everyone should make, it's a pledge to self care. I think we're all pretty hard on ourselves and feel like setting aside time to take care of ourselves is self-indulgent and unimportant, when it's actually one of the most necessary things to do for yourself. I have to admit that I struggle with this sometimes - I almost feel like I don't deserve to take time to care for myself - but once I do I feel so much better.
1. Get clean. Brush your teeth, wash your hair, put on some perfume and a clean outfit. Sometimes if I'm having a really hard time, I find it difficult to get out of bed and to just start my day. Something that really helps is just getting ready - I always feel a lot more human when I'm in fresh clothes and have brushed my teeth. You don't have to apply make-up if you don't want to, and if you're not seeing anyone then maybe you could just take a quick shower and change into some clean pyjamas before settling down to read a book!
2. Make a collage of your future plans and dreams. You could do this in a scrapbook, in the form of a sketch, a list or a Pinterest board. I find it's a lot easier to focus on where you're headed if you can visually see everything you're hoping to achieve. You don't have to show anyone this either - so you can pin down exactly what it is you really want.