Updates | Luna

I mentioned penning another post on my lickle Luna a few days ago in my The Happy List post, and a few of you said you were interested and I have so many photos to share that I did just that.

Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts That Give Back

Welcome to Part Four of my Christmas Gift Guide 2014. Have a friend/family member that is passionate about charity projects, or simply doesn't 'want' anything for Christmas this year? Here are my 'Gifts That Give Back' picks, which are either great for the environment or give back to charity. Instead of buying them that bottle of their favourite alcohol, why not give the gift of food or a mosquito net in their name? Or maybe you have a little one in your life who loves animals - adopt an animal for the year! I've also added in a few eco-friendly things, such as a Grow Your Own Herb set, a canvas shopping bag and a travel mug for those coffee fiends. x

The Happy List #1

It's 1pm on a Sunday afternoon, I'm waiting on a roast dinner and my dad's cat Weller is prancing around me trying to chew on my feet... what better time to reflect on life? To be honest with you, I've had quite a rough few weeks but what's important is that I can see through all of the crap to focus on all of the good things that have happened recently, and I thought I'd share them with you!

Christmas Gift Guide: For The Geeks

Welcome to part three of my Christmas Gift Guide 2014! This is quite possibly my favourite collection of gifts so far, and I honestly would love to receive any of them for Christmas! I am honestly the biggest nerd. This guide is a bit more unisex compared to my others and I've featured a top/jumper for men and women as well as the other gifts in general being suitable for anyone. If I had to choose out a few for myself as favourites, I think they'd be the Middle Earth mug and the Jon Snow little figurine, although I'd prefer it to be of Daenerys. Sorry about all of the mugs, but there were so many amazing options and I love them all haha!


A few weeks ago I was amazed to find that I'd reached 100 followers on Bloglovin! It's beyond crazy to think that this many people find me the tiniest bit interesting, so I thought I'd say a little thank you with a giveaway. It was actually really easy to pick this prizes and I feel/hope they reflect my blog well.

Bristol Cathedral


New To The Shelves

Confession: I can't stop buying books. I have a list in my notebook filled with books I want to read and that list seems to get longer every day, despite the fact that I actually have no more room for books anywhere. My bookshelf is full - I have little stacks of books in pretty much every corner of my room! But as I pointed out to my incredulous mum - books are a good thing to spend money and time on, are they not?! And (surprisingly) two out of these three books I've read since getting them. Yay!

Wreck This Journal #3

Hello! Today I am bringing you another instalment of my Wreck This Journal series, where I have so far thrown it out of my bedroom window and rubbed it on the bumper of a neighbour's car. Sadly this post is filled with prettier things than that, as no severe wrecking has gone on aside from my cat stepping in my watercolours again.



It's been such a long time since I've just sat down at my laptop and had a general chat with my blog! Which is strange really, because the whole reason I started this blog after abandoning my old one was so I could treat it as a 'diary' of sorts, in order to share my life and loves and current obsessions to look back on in fifty years when I'm (hopefully) still watching old YouTube videos and playing Pokémon Pearl.

Christmas Gift Guide: The Novelty Christmas Gifts

Welcome to Part Two of my Christmas Gift Guide 2014. This one goes out to all of those who take Christmas seriously - the ones who probably got their shopping done in May and who have been wearing their Christmas jumper since September. (No judgement, I have been told firmly several times by my boyfriend/dad that it's too early for mine *sobs*) I have chosen a selection of clothing and just plain ol' novelty for these gifts, although my favourites are the Lush Golden Wonder Bath Bomb and the Miss Selfridge Necklace!

OUTFIT: The Tartan Scarf

Scarf - Primark
Cardi - Primark
Vest - New Look
Leggings - Miss Selfridge
This outfit is very simple, but my new scarf made me want to photograph it. Isn't it lovely? I've been looking for a good tartan scarf for absolutely bloody ages, and finally came across this one in Primark for just Â£4! It's black and red with some paler blue streaks running through and I don't know if it's really long or I'm just really short haha! (Although I definitely am short). I paired it with some other simple pieces, as I wanted the scarf to be the statement piece: my black Miss Selfridge leather leggings, a simple black cardi from Primark and a white vest. This scarf is definitely going to be my go-to item this season!

Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts For Animal Lovers


Welcome to Part One of my Christmas Gift Guide 2014! To kick off this little series, I thought I'd share my top 9 gifts for animal lovers. I am a huge cat person, but my boyfriend is a dog person and my mum is a horse person so tried my best to add in something for everyone to this list. There was actually a surprising amount of options to choose from - especially from the high street. River Island and New Look had amazing options, as did Not On The High Street and Etsy. Some of these things (including the eye mask, slippers and selfie book) are also available in other animal designs so there's something for everyone.

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Top 5 Books I Haven't Finished

So, last night I was sat all curled up with Luna, jotting down blog ideas when this post came to me: Top 5 Books I Haven't Finished Yet. And so I scanned my bookshelf looking for books to feature when I realised that I had a vast majority to choose from. I am (shamefully) one of those people who will start reading something and then abandon it mid-way through to move on to bigger and better things books. So who knows, there may be a Part Two of this post coming soon, but for now here are the books I really need to pick up again.

Lush Seanik Shampoo Bar


One of the most important things to me as a person is being eco-friendly. I use eco-friendly cat litter, always use canvas bags instead of plastic bags when I go shopping and always, always re-cycle (I even go as far as taking my McDonald's boxes home as they don't re-cycle!). And another way that I'm a green freak is by using one of Lush's shampoo bars.

Things To Do Before 2015

I'm one of those people who believe in that cliché 'Fresh Year, Fresh Start', and whilst that isn't always the case, I always make an effort to make the transition into the new year as fresh and clean as possible. A few nights ago I thought about all of the little projects or aims that I wanted to have completed before 2015, and thought I'd share it with you guys. There are a few regarding my anxiety, a few about my blog and a few just about life!