I wasn't sure which emotion I'd feel when I came to write this post but as it stands right now all I feel is relief. I'm trying my best to separate specific allotments of time from circumstance (it's a bad habit of mine) but 2016 really has been pretty awful for me. I've been riddled with physical and mental health issues that don't compare to anything I've experienced before. I didn't know things could get this bad with my anxiety & depression and I didn't appreciate my good health until it was taken from me. Sometimes I feel like I didn't really do anything this year other than survive.
But it's not all bad. Some small but wonderful things happened this year and today I thought I'd write a little recap. I saw my angel Alisha write a post in this style a few months ago and I absolutely adored it so I thought I'd do one myself. I'm so guilty of forgetting the smaller moments because they're so easily overwhelmed by the bad but I'm hoping that writing and referring back to this post will remind me that 2016 hasn't been lost.
Merry Christmas ~
Sunday, 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas one and all! ~
Well, the big day itself has finally arrived. I'm sure that no one is reading this because there's presents to open and people to cuddle amirite?! But I thought I'd pop up a little post anyway to wish you all a wonderful little day. If it isn't wonderful, then that's cool to. I'm all about that lowkey Christmas life these days.
I'm sure I'll check in with you all before New Year, hopefully with a 2016 Favourites and that good old classic 'What I Got For Christmas' post. But for now I'll wish you a Merry little Christmas and send you all manner of well wishes, kitty cuddles and high fives because I survived Blogmas after all!
The Sunday Post 19 (A Day Early!)
Saturday, 24 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day twenty-four }
I had all of this week's posts scheduled and ready to go last weekend but I didn't want to say I'd completed it until I'd written & scheduled this post! I had some seriously shaky moments this month but because I made sure I'd scheduled myself a week ahead at all times it meant that I could have bad days without worrying I'd fail which is what took me down last year. It's honestly been a lot of fun and I really hope you've enjoyed all of my posts because I worked really hard on them.
{ Yum vegan ice cream courtesy of my mommy. }
This week has been quite an important one for me and it seems like all of the issues I've faced and dealt with this year are finally resolving themselves in one swoop. I should say though that they aren't resolving themselves, exactly - I've pushed myself incredibly hard to get on top of things (finally) and I've been rewarded for doing so. Tuesday was a pretty momentous day for me. I had a doctors appointment and I basically told my doctor a lot of things I'd kept hidden for the past year and I've been diagnosed with something other than anxiety. I'm sure I'll talk about it more openly in the New Year - I just want Christmas out of the way first - but despite it being a scary thing I actually am beginning to feel quite hopeful for the first time in a really long time. This entire year we've been treating the wrong thing but now I've been diagnosed with what I've actually been struggling with I can begin to get help and things can sort themselves out. After my appointment (and once I had finished crying) I treated myself to a Lush bath and I used So White which is my favourite from the Christmas collection this year.
I've been pretty absent online since then because I've just been working things out. I've already begun to set up support for next year (I've got an appointment in January, at least) which I worked out all for myself which makes me incredibly proud.
Blog posts this week ::
The Best of Blogmas 2016
The Happy List Project 04
Lush Shoot For The Stars
How I Can Tell It's Christmas
23 Books I Read in 2016
Watched this week ::
Sherlock season three.
Rise of The Guardians (it was on BBC1 and it was actually adorable).
23 Books I Read In 2016
Friday, 23 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day twenty-three }
2016 was a pretty mediocre reading year for me. I spoke a lot about the reasons why I'd fallen out of love with reading way back in my 2015 Goodreads Reading Challenge update last year and the points I listed have only magnified this year. I did read a few really good books, though, and although I haven't completed my reading challenge for 2016 I'm pretty happy with the amount I have read. And I mean, there's still a little time left in this year. Maybe I'll read two books between now and then!
2016 was a pretty mediocre reading year for me. I spoke a lot about the reasons why I'd fallen out of love with reading way back in my 2015 Goodreads Reading Challenge update last year and the points I listed have only magnified this year. I did read a few really good books, though, and although I haven't completed my reading challenge for 2016 I'm pretty happy with the amount I have read. And I mean, there's still a little time left in this year. Maybe I'll read two books between now and then!
How I Can Tell It's Christmas
Thursday, 22 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day twenty-two }
❅ My Animal Crossing: New Leaf villagers are all wearing festive jumpers & keep dropping hints for Toy Day.
❅ We've got the Gavin & Stacey Christmas special on repeat.
❅ My little sister keeps randomly bursting into excited squeals / giggles when she remembers we're mere days away.
❅ Everyone is off of work / school and we're practically tripping over each other in our little house.
❅ Our dogs are wearing their Christmas knit jumpers out on our walks.
❅ The kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer are stuffed with food we're not allowed to eat.
❅ My mum keeps making mad dashes to the Pound shop for last-minute stocking fillers, batteries and snacks.
❅ Christmas songs are playing through speakers whilst I'm doing my weekly food shop.
❅ There's a palatable buzz in the air, tinged with equal amounts of stress and excitement.
❅ I've got my Christmas Day outfit washed and ready to go. (It's a bottle-green ASOS skater dress I found in a charity shop, if you're wondering)
❅ My dad keeps threatening to 'cancel Christmas' next year, the same way he has since my brother and I were tiny.
❅ I've uttered the word 'Blogmas' approximately 675483902 times within the past three weeks.
❅ Ditto 'Vlogmas'.
❅ My mum has been spending an hour every evening hand-making Christmas decorations for various friends and the school fayre.
❅ There's a cream lantern filled with baubles standing by my fire place.
❅ We've had the fire going every night for the past week.
❅ Yells of "GET OUT I'M WRAPPING YOUR PRESENTS" have become a daily occurrence.
❅ My Animal Crossing: New Leaf town is covered in snow.
❅ My bedside bookcase is covered in pretty cards from my blogging pals.
❅ My bedroom smells like Lush Christmas bath bombs, the scent coming from both my own collection and Luke's Christmas stocking.
How can you tell it's Christmas? Leave me your own little list in the comments ~
❅ My Animal Crossing: New Leaf villagers are all wearing festive jumpers & keep dropping hints for Toy Day.
❅ We've got the Gavin & Stacey Christmas special on repeat.
❅ My little sister keeps randomly bursting into excited squeals / giggles when she remembers we're mere days away.
❅ Everyone is off of work / school and we're practically tripping over each other in our little house.
❅ Our dogs are wearing their Christmas knit jumpers out on our walks.
❅ The kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer are stuffed with food we're not allowed to eat.
❅ My mum keeps making mad dashes to the Pound shop for last-minute stocking fillers, batteries and snacks.
❅ Christmas songs are playing through speakers whilst I'm doing my weekly food shop.
❅ There's a palatable buzz in the air, tinged with equal amounts of stress and excitement.
❅ I've got my Christmas Day outfit washed and ready to go. (It's a bottle-green ASOS skater dress I found in a charity shop, if you're wondering)
❅ My dad keeps threatening to 'cancel Christmas' next year, the same way he has since my brother and I were tiny.
❅ I've uttered the word 'Blogmas' approximately 675483902 times within the past three weeks.
❅ Ditto 'Vlogmas'.
❅ My mum has been spending an hour every evening hand-making Christmas decorations for various friends and the school fayre.
❅ There's a cream lantern filled with baubles standing by my fire place.
❅ We've had the fire going every night for the past week.
❅ Yells of "GET OUT I'M WRAPPING YOUR PRESENTS" have become a daily occurrence.
❅ My Animal Crossing: New Leaf town is covered in snow.
❅ My bedside bookcase is covered in pretty cards from my blogging pals.
❅ My bedroom smells like Lush Christmas bath bombs, the scent coming from both my own collection and Luke's Christmas stocking.
How can you tell it's Christmas? Leave me your own little list in the comments ~
Lush Shoot For The Stars
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day twenty one }
Another Sunday has passed, another Lush bath has been had. This time I used Shoot For The Stars!
Another Sunday has passed, another Lush bath has been had. This time I used Shoot For The Stars!
The Happy List Project 04
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day twenty }
We're in the final stretch!! I know Christmas Week started yesterday but it doesn't feel real to me until we hit the twenties. Today I thought I'd share what will probably be the final Happy List Project post of the year! I have another list of my own as well as two lists from my favourite blogger babes.
We're in the final stretch!! I know Christmas Week started yesterday but it doesn't feel real to me until we hit the twenties. Today I thought I'd share what will probably be the final Happy List Project post of the year! I have another list of my own as well as two lists from my favourite blogger babes.
The Best of Blogmas 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day nineteen }
I know that Blogmas isn't over yet but in just under a week's time most of the posts we've worked so hard on aren't going to be relevant anymore... until next year at least! Today I thought I'd put together a little post sharing (what I consider) the best of the Blogmas posts this year. Of course I don't follow every blog out there and I'm sure there are some incredible posts I've missed out on but these are the posts I've been reading this December. There's a real mix of lifestyle, food, cruelty-free beauty, DIY and book-related posts and can I just say how well everyone has done! It was hard to whittle down my list, to be honest. Technically not all of these bloggers participated in Blogmas but I wanted to share their posts nonetheless.
I know that Blogmas isn't over yet but in just under a week's time most of the posts we've worked so hard on aren't going to be relevant anymore... until next year at least! Today I thought I'd put together a little post sharing (what I consider) the best of the Blogmas posts this year. Of course I don't follow every blog out there and I'm sure there are some incredible posts I've missed out on but these are the posts I've been reading this December. There's a real mix of lifestyle, food, cruelty-free beauty, DIY and book-related posts and can I just say how well everyone has done! It was hard to whittle down my list, to be honest. Technically not all of these bloggers participated in Blogmas but I wanted to share their posts nonetheless.
The Sunday Post 18
Sunday, 18 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day eighteen }
It's a week until Christmas!! I genuinely cannot believe how quickly December has whizzed by but I'm also kind of grateful for it. I won't lie - I'm struggling right now, but I'm working on it. I'm getting by. I'm going to be just fine. To prove this - both to you and to myself - I'm going to list some happy things that happened this week.
It's a week until Christmas!! I genuinely cannot believe how quickly December has whizzed by but I'm also kind of grateful for it. I won't lie - I'm struggling right now, but I'm working on it. I'm getting by. I'm going to be just fine. To prove this - both to you and to myself - I'm going to list some happy things that happened this week.
Vegan Gingerbread Biscuits & Egg-Free Royal Icing
Saturday, 17 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day seventeen }
By popular request (I'm basing this on the 5 favourites my tweet received) I've decided to share the recipe for the vegan gingerbread biscuits and royal icing I made the other day!
Bookcase Tour 2016
Friday, 16 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day sixteen }
I posted my first bookcase tour last Summer but it's changed multiple times since then! I used to have a three-shelved bookcase made from warm-toned wood which didn't suit me, my books or my décor style at all so I've since invested in two white bookcases from Ikea. A Billy bookcase replaced the one from my old post & I also got this tall bookcase that I've placed up against the side of my wardrobe. I did used to store my contemporary books on the Billy bookcase but I swapped them over to the bigger one recently because I needed the space! I've gotten rid of a ton of books recently and I've only kept my real favourites which all fit on it perfectly.
Self-Care at Christmas & How I Cope
Thursday, 15 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day fifteen }
Christmas is a time of joy, love and family but it's not always so easy if you struggle with a mental illness. Last year I found Christmas Day & Boxing Day extremely difficult because of my depression, anxiety and the issues I was having with food at the time, so I thought I'd write this post to offer some advice and comfort to anyone else struggling this year.
Christmas is a time of joy, love and family but it's not always so easy if you struggle with a mental illness. Last year I found Christmas Day & Boxing Day extremely difficult because of my depression, anxiety and the issues I was having with food at the time, so I thought I'd write this post to offer some advice and comfort to anyone else struggling this year.
How I Organise My Blog
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day fourteen }
I've been blogging for over two years now and I've finally sussed out exactly how I organise bloggy things the best. The habits all evolved quite naturally, it wasn't like a "Right, I need to sort all of this crap out." kind of thing, more like something that came to me over time. I find it helps me a lot if I'm feeling overwhelmed and it helps to streamline my ideas in a way that makes sense to me. Today, in the spirit of Blogmas, I thought I would share my routine with you!
I've been blogging for over two years now and I've finally sussed out exactly how I organise bloggy things the best. The habits all evolved quite naturally, it wasn't like a "Right, I need to sort all of this crap out." kind of thing, more like something that came to me over time. I find it helps me a lot if I'm feeling overwhelmed and it helps to streamline my ideas in a way that makes sense to me. Today, in the spirit of Blogmas, I thought I would share my routine with you!
ACNL | Winter In Hogwarts
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day thirteen }
I've wanted to do a tour of my Animal Crossing: New Leaf town for the longest time and now that it's Winter in Hogwarts it seemed like the perfect time to do one. Winter is my favourite time to play Animal Crossing because my town is covered in snow and it just feels very nostalgic. I think this might be because I got my 3DS & New Leaf for Christmas a few years ago so it was the season I started with!
Gifting | Bloom Candles
Monday, 12 December 2016
I've finished my Christmas shopping!! And as I mentioned in my 'Why I'm Buying Second-Hand Gifts' post, what I didn't buy second-hand I wanted to source from small businesses. Instead of buying Luke's mum a Yankee Candle like we do most years I placed an order with Bloom Candles and today I'm here to rave about them!
The Sunday Post 17
Sunday, 11 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day eleven }
How are we liking Blogmas so far then gang?! This has been the first full week of posting every day since it started and I think it's going pretty well. I'm really proud of all of the posts that have gone up so far and I'm even more excited for the ones to come. I just hope you're not sick of me yet! (Genuinely tho, I'm terrified.)
How are we liking Blogmas so far then gang?! This has been the first full week of posting every day since it started and I think it's going pretty well. I'm really proud of all of the posts that have gone up so far and I'm even more excited for the ones to come. I just hope you're not sick of me yet! (Genuinely tho, I'm terrified.)
Let's Talk About The NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams
Saturday, 10 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day ten }
These days is make-up isn't matte then I'm not interested in it. Matte lipstick, matte nail varnish, matte bronzer, matte highlight... you name it, I love it. But one of the things I'd been craving the most was a matte red lip, especially for the festivities, so I placed a Boots order for two of the Nyx Soft Matte Lip Creams. I chose the shades Madrid and Copenhagen.
Easy Vegan Banana Bread
Friday, 9 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day nine }
Since my visit to VX Bristol a few weeks ago I have been craving banana bread like there's no tomorrow. The only issue was that bananas disappear so quickly in my house. We could buy two bunches of six on Monday and they'll be gone by Thursday, so we never had any hanging around that needed to be used up. Thankfully my Dad doesn't like bananas once the skin gets brown spots (whatta weirdo, that's when they're the nicest!) so he passed them over to me and I stashed them in my cupboard away from my fam. To bake the banana bread I followed this recipe from BBC Good Food but I did stray from it a few times.
Christmas Gift Guide | £1 Stocking Fillers
Thursday, 8 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day eight }
Now we're almost halfway towards Christmas Day I'd like to think that most of us have the main bulk of our Christmas shopping done, but there's still a little time to pick up stocking fillers. I did a gift guide like this last year and the idea of it went down really well with you guys so I thought I'd revive it for 2016! Things I Need To Start Doing
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day seven }
Following on from last month's post sharing Things I Need To Stop Doing, I thought I'd write a little list of the things I need to start doing.
♥ Implementing a morning routine.
♥ Taking more personal photographs.
♥ Believing in myself.
♥ Saving more money than I spend.
♥ Leaving the house every day.
♥ Reciting positive affirmations that don't make me feel like a knob.
♥ Riding my bike once a week.
♥ Calling my Nan once a week.
♥ Getting into bed by 10.30pm.
♥ Turning off my social media notifications.
♥ Posting on Instagram more often.
♥ Feeling the fear & doing it anyway.
I'm seriously considering adding a number of these things onto my 2017 goals list as they're things I really feel I need to work on. Hopefully starting them now will make them easier to achieve next year ~
Following on from last month's post sharing Things I Need To Stop Doing, I thought I'd write a little list of the things I need to start doing.
♥ Implementing a morning routine.
♥ Taking more personal photographs.
♥ Believing in myself.
♥ Saving more money than I spend.
♥ Leaving the house every day.
♥ Reciting positive affirmations that don't make me feel like a knob.
♥ Riding my bike once a week.
♥ Calling my Nan once a week.
♥ Getting into bed by 10.30pm.
♥ Turning off my social media notifications.
♥ Posting on Instagram more often.
♥ Feeling the fear & doing it anyway.
I'm seriously considering adding a number of these things onto my 2017 goals list as they're things I really feel I need to work on. Hopefully starting them now will make them easier to achieve next year ~
Fictional Women Who Inspire Me
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day six }
Whenever I'm having a particularly hard time I tend to run head first into my favourite fictional worlds for a lil bit of escapism, but also for inspiration. I love that by reading or watching a story, you can see not only the problem but the cause, struggles and resolution. I find comfort in seeing exactly how a character has overcome something and how their life carries on afterwards. Today I thought I'd share with you a few of my favourite fictional women and the ways they inspire me. (Lil warning: this post will contain spoilers.)
Whenever I'm having a particularly hard time I tend to run head first into my favourite fictional worlds for a lil bit of escapism, but also for inspiration. I love that by reading or watching a story, you can see not only the problem but the cause, struggles and resolution. I find comfort in seeing exactly how a character has overcome something and how their life carries on afterwards. Today I thought I'd share with you a few of my favourite fictional women and the ways they inspire me. (Lil warning: this post will contain spoilers.)
Lush Never Mind The Ballistics Bath Bomb
Saturday, 3 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day three }
Never Mind The Ballistics is one of the new additions to the core Christmas range at Lush this year and it's one that drew my attention right away. The design doesn't scream Christmas in the traditional sense like Golden Wonder or Father Christmas but I do think it's festive. It kind of reminds me of Nutcrackers and the kind of sweets you'd get in a pick-n-mix. It's quite simple but the vibrant colours make it exciting.
Why I'm Buying Second-Hand Gifts This Year
Friday, 2 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day two }
I have been met with nothing but positivity following my announcement to buy 90% second-hand this year, but I thought I would pen this post anyway to give a little explanation as to the exact reasons why.
I have been met with nothing but positivity following my announcement to buy 90% second-hand this year, but I thought I would pen this post anyway to give a little explanation as to the exact reasons why.
My December To Do List
Thursday, 1 December 2016
{ B l o g m a s :: day one }
Um, how is it December already please? I for one am pretty damn happy to be in the final month of 2016 and am more than ready for this hellish year to be over. Before that though there are lots of lovely little things happening... including Blogmas! Yep, I've decided to go for it again this year. Last year I was struck down with mental and physical illness and failed on the 21st of December so I'm trying again this year as a bit of a 'fxck you' to my depression. It's not going to be super festive and I'm mainly planning lots of lifestyle content but I hope you (and I) will still enjoy it. Wish me luck! ~
Um, how is it December already please? I for one am pretty damn happy to be in the final month of 2016 and am more than ready for this hellish year to be over. Before that though there are lots of lovely little things happening... including Blogmas! Yep, I've decided to go for it again this year. Last year I was struck down with mental and physical illness and failed on the 21st of December so I'm trying again this year as a bit of a 'fxck you' to my depression. It's not going to be super festive and I'm mainly planning lots of lifestyle content but I hope you (and I) will still enjoy it. Wish me luck! ~
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