My March To Do List

 Hello March. Man, am I glad to see you!

My March to-do list:
1. Treat myself to a new Lush bath bomb.
2. Savour Luke's time off of work & do fun things together.
3. Hit 'publish' on my creative writing post.
4. Get active.
5. Hatch my first egg on Pokémon Go.
6. Spend an evening catching up on YouTube videos when my home internet returns.
7. Do something scary.
8. Print photos for my recipe book. 
My main objective this month is to get moving more - I've been suffering with my joints again lately and I'm putting it down to my lack of exercise. I've bought myself some new knee supports and now that I'm finally on board with Pokémon Go, I'm hoping lots of walks paired with a weekly cycling session and another tentative attempt at yoga will sort me out. Luke got injured at rugby two Saturdays ago so he's been signed off of work for another 3 weeks and I'm fully taking advantage of his free time. Granted we can't do a lot because he is injured but just spending time like we are right now - me on my laptop, him playing Xbox - or going for walks catching Teddiursa and Swinub is good enough for me.

I've also started work on my recipe book and just have to pop down to Boots to print out the photos to go alongside the recipes I've jotted down so far. I have a lot of blank space left to fill but hopefully over the course of the year I'll have made a decent dent. I'd love to share some snaps of it once I've started it properly, if you're interested?

Other goals of note include finally pressing publish on a piece of writing I've wanted to share for about a week now and heading back to Lush for the first time since November. I'm so tempted by Mother Earth but the price tag makes me feel a little nauseated...!


  1. YAYYY Pokemon Go! So pleased you're able to pop out a little bit more Lauren (: seeing AR Pokemon everywhere certainly sweetens the outdoors up, right? Nothing scarier than the Totodile animation though... Your recipe book sounds awesome! I'd love to see a post on it! xx

  2. I'd love to see a post on your recipe book! I've started my own recently - it's great filling it up with recipes. I think that, although Lush stuff is quite pricey, it's always quite good value for money! Good luck with your to-do list! x x

  3. i love that you're working on a recipe book. it's such a nice thing to keep and pass down in generations too. good luck with your list!
    jen | velvet spring x

  4. Your enthusiasm is the best! It's always good to keep track of your goals and stay on the right path.


  5. I would love to see some posts on your recipe book - Always in the market for a new Vegetarian dish to make for tea.

  6. With the exception of "Do something scary" your March to-do list looks fabulous - ambitious but fun :)
    I'd consider adding numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6 to my own to-do list.
    The photos are beautiful - love the selfie, the scenic bridge setting and the flowers.

  7. If you are going to attempt yoga I recommend Yoga With Adriene on Youtube. I recently finished the 31 days of yoga and I feel amazing! I would also love to see a post on your recipe book! ♥


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