It's no secret that I love books, but what is surprising is the amount of time I'm investing into books that aren't fiction - and how rapidly my collection of non-fiction lifestyle-y books is growing. I've always found comfort in reading and I connect with written quotes a lot better than I do a verbal lecture. I think it's the writer in me that just has this passion for words and the ability to appreciate them on a deeper level. A lot of these books, I feel, are also replacing the need for emotional creativity that stopped for me when I left art therapy and I also find a lot of comfort in that, too. SO without further ado, allow me to walk you through my self-care book collection.
The Sunday Post 05
Sunday, 22 May 2016
{ VegFest Bristol, my new phone and kicking anxiety's butt. }
Upon reflection, this week has actually been pretty goooood. I had a couple of really sad days mid-week, I've been stressed out over a few things and I've been exhaustingly anxious on several occasions but I managed to do so many fun things and I'm feeling really really proud of myself.
10 Easy Ways To Be Eco-Friendly
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Waaaaay back in 2014 I wrote a post sharing 3 easy ways to be eco-friendly. At the time I was fairly new to the whole 'saving the planet' mentality but fast-forward two years and I feel I'm a lot more experienced and educated in ways to live a greener lifestyle. So today I'm upping the anti and am going to be sharing TEN easy ways to be eco-friendly! 
Little Comforts
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Little things that comfort me when I'm feeling sad, tired and anxious.
Holding Luke's hand. Lying on my side in bed with Luna curled up RIGHT next to me. My little sister bringing me a glass of just-the-right-temperature water. Watching Sky Sports News with my dad. Wearing my onesie with the hood up, bear ears and all. Sitting with Luke on our bench in the woods. The sound of my cat Bailey meowing. Warm toast slathered in vegan butter and strawberry jam. Watching Luna play in the garden from my bedroom window. The sound of Luna purring. Reading my favourite blog, Daisybutter. Cosy yet vaguely stylish clothes that blanket me and protect me from the world. Lazy evenings on Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Quorn chicken nuggets and ketchup. The sound of my sister laughing. Surreal pink sunsets. Watching endless episodes of Hawaii Five 0 with my mum. Lush The Comforter bubble baths. Sitting RIGHT next to Luke on the sofa. My sister brushing my hair. Rereading an old favourite.
lauren's journal,
mental health,
my life in lists
Lush T'eo Deodorant
Thursday, 12 May 2016
I'm sure you guys are aware of my fascination with Lush's solid products. I've used their shampoo bars exclusively since 2013 plus I'm more than partial to their bubble bars. I recently made the decision to branch out a little more and to try products that I'm not as familiar with (which is what led me to pick up the Sugar Scrub) and this time around I decided to try the T'eo deodorant.
So, I Got A Fringe
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
{ Channelling that PLL-season-six-part-two Spencer Hastings vibe. }
I got my hair cut! Finally. I'd been meaning to get it done a little while ago (try six months) but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted done and with my mental health blip, my hair was the last thing on my mind. My side fringe had grown out and the length was getting a little too much for me to handle (I managed to get ketchup in it at Ikea the other day because I couldn't keep control of it) so last week, after scrolling Pinterest for hours and debating with my friend on Facebook messenger, I finally plucked up the courage to book an appointment with a local mobile hairdresser.
{ T H E C U T & C O L O U R }
I didn't get much cut off the length, just a little trim to keep it healthy, but I did get a fringe cut in! I was really specific about the kind of fringe I wanted because I didn't want to flashback to when I was little and rocked a full-on, heavy block fringe for about five years. I went for a thin-ish, 'casual', messy fringe that falls just to my eyebrow and I love it! I'm still messing about with my parting and the amount of volume I can infuse into the rest of my hair before I look like Russell Brand but I'm feeling super swish and refreshed. I dyed it a few shades darker to match my roots and then the hairdresser attempted to add some lighter tones to my hair (hence why I was in foils on Snapchat) but they didn't take as well as we'd have liked, so she's coming back next week to try again!
The Sunday Post 03
Sunday, 8 May 2016

Hello you lovely lot! And happy Sunday! I bet you're surprised to see me pop up in your Bloglovin' feed - I'm certainly surprised to be penning a post so early in my blog break. Turns out I just couldn't bear to be parted with ya! I've had a lot of epiphanies regarding my blog and where I want it to go this past week but I'm not sure how I'm going to go about it all. One thing I do know is that I want to flex my creative muscles in terms of photography, writing style and post layout so bear with me whilst I experiment!
But now, onto my week and guys - it's been a happy one. I don't think my anxiety is any better or any worse, I'm just finding it easier to endure. I still have a long way to go but I'm able to see the light, so much so that I've been wandering around singing 'At Last I See The Light' from Tangled (which, btw, is my favourite Disney movie). Feel free to laugh at my cheesiness.
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