What Lauren Did Today is One! + My Favourite Posts

What Lauren Did Today is officially one year old! Yep, it's been one year to the day since my very first post on this blog, which was a 'First Impressions' of City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. I can't believe how far I've come! Since that post, I've talked about mental health and anxiety, becoming vegetarian and going cruelty-free, as well as my favourite books and lots of to-do lists. If you've read the 'About Me' section of this blog, you'll know that I started What Lauren Did Today after beauty blogging for a year, and it's the best decision I've ever made.
I've met so many amazing people both through this blog and through Twitter that I'm so grateful to have met. I've also been inspired by so many fabulous bloggers, who have helped me make so many decisions, whether they were conscious of it or not. I don't think I ever would have become cruelty-free as quickly and easily if it weren't for all of the amazing cruelty-free and vegan bloggers that I follow.
*sniff* now, enough mush and tears. I thought it'd be fun to share with you guys all of my favourite posts from the past year. I did something similar in my Goodbye 2014 post, but I thought it was due an update.
Finally, I just want to say a massive THANK YOU! to everyone who reads/comments/tweets and interacts in any way with me and my blog. I recently reached 250 followers which is AMAZING and overwhelming and kind of scary at the same time. I literally can't believe that this many people find me remotely interesting! I'm so glad that people like my blog, because I put in so much effort and it's amazing to receive a comment or a tweet about a post that I've worked hard on.
Another way that I'm saying thank you will be live midday on the 1st of June, so keep an eye out for that ;)
Love you guys <3

Superdrug Naturally Radiant Brightening Day Cream

Doesn't this moisturiser have the longest God damn name? Just typing out the title of this post half-filled the alloted space bar. Gawd. 
I finally finished my non-CF moisturiser a few weeks ago, and looked to Superdrug for a replacement. Since turning cruelty-free I've been using the Naturally Radiant Hot Cloth Cleanser and my skin has fared pretty well with it, so I decided to stick to that range and picked up the Brightening Day Cream for Normal/Dry skin. I'm quite lucky with my skin really, as it doesn't have particularly expensive taste, and can manage exceptionally well with just a simple line of products and by me drinking a ton of water. My biggest problem is dryness and redness, which this moisturiser tackles easily.

My Book Rating System Explained

Deciding how many stars to award a book used to be really difficult for me. Because when there's only five levels to choose from, things get complicated. A book may deserve a 4 star rating for its characters, but a 2 star rating for it's plot and pacing. Or it may deserve 1 star for it's plot and pacing, yet 4 stars for the writing quality. So I quickly devised a little strategy to make book rating so much easier, and today I thought I'd share it with you guys. I know that sometimes I'll review a book and people have questioned my star rating based on the review, so hopefully this post will clarify things.

Things To Achieve This Week

I'm totally posting this here so that I'm held accountable.
 â™¥ Participate in at least one blog chat.
 â™¥ Complete one Wreck This Journal/Colouring page.
 â™¥ Attempt to go out alone at least once.
 â™¥ Comment on 3 blogs per day.
 â™¥ Stop drinking chocolate milk (!) and start drinking water again.
 â™¥ Refocus and re-motivate.
 â™¥ Paint my nails.
 â™¥ Watch one of episode of American Horror Story: Murder House (alone bc no one will watch it with me, sob)
 â™¥ Write on at least 3 days.
♥ Finish reading Catching Fire & start Mockingjay.

Life Updates | Lambs, Luna & Blog Design

For some reason, I always go to start my blog posts by saying 'Yoooo' but then 'listen up, here's a story...' comes in my head afterwards and I think it's too weird. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to the song)
I was scrolling through my iPhone photos a few days ago (I was stuck somewhere with no wifi..) and realised that I had so many photos that I could share with you! It's been a while since I've done a life update post, so I have plenty to talk about.

Art Therapy At Home

Hihi! Today I thought I'd talk about something very close to my heart: art therapy. I started attending an art therapy group back at the end of last year, and I'm just coming into my last few weeks of attending. When I'm finished, I'm sure I'll write up a whole post about my experience, but today I thought I'd share some ideas for doing art therapy at home.

April Favourites

Does the fact that it's May already freak anyone else out? It's practically summer, when I swear it was pissing down rain two weeks ago (although, this is England...) Today I am sharing my April Favourites! I completely skipped this post last month, mostly because I have a miserable March and didn't really do much. I read a few books, but I wouldn't consider them favourites, and I used a few Lush products but I'd already talked about them... I just didn't really see the point. BUT April was different, as I have quite a few things to talk about!