The Happy List #3

To be honest, I was thinking about skipping this post this month. Not because I've had nothing to be happy about - the opposite is true - but just because I've been feeling a bit down recently. I just think my confidence has taken a huge knock again, and going to Art Therapy every week has been quite draining, on top of all of the other responsibilities I have. But then I thought: when I'm feeling like this, it's probably the best time to write this post, to make myself feel better!

Superdrug Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser

When making the switch over to become Cruelty Free, I wrote a list of all the things that I would like to replace, like my moisturiser, deodorant etc. (my shampoo, shower gel and bath products are all already CF as they're all from Lush) And one of the most important things to me was to swap over my skincare, starting with a cleanser, and after a little research online, I decided on the Superdrug Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser.

The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne Frank

Title: The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Anne Frank
Genre: Autobiography, Non-Fiction
Length: 336 pages
Published: 1947
Series: Stand-alone piece
This isn't going to be so much a book review, more of a recording of my thoughts on this book. When I review books, I look at the characters and the writing and the flow, as well as how it made me feel overall. But with this book, I don't really think that there's much room to criticize/not to criticize the writing.

Updated Lush Collection & Storage

It's been a while since my last Lush post, and it's been an even longer while since I posted my 'current collection', so I thought today I'd update you guys since I recently worked out some new storage for all of my Lush stuff!

New To The Shelves #2

So, I'm on a book buying ban. In order to get a move on with my TBR & 2015 Reading Challenge, I set a strict 'you can buy another book after you read three' kinda rule in order to help me with it, BUUUT these are all books I bought before the beginning of this year. It's just taken me a while to photograph them. A few of these were also Christmas presents, and one was sent to me by an author.

Things To Achieve This Week

A little to do list for the next seven days...
♥ Finish Pretty Little Liars Season Three.
♥ Start reading another book. (Most likely Matched or All The Bright Places)
♥ Take blog photos for next week.
♥ Write up my Figment review for the magazine, and post it.
♥ Attend another Art Therapy session.
♥ Sort out the huge pile of clothes that I 'might keep' and actually get rid of them.
♥ Start sitting at my desk to write.
♥ Drink plenty of water.

Paper Towns by John Green

Title: Paper Towns
Author: John Green
Genre: YA Contemporary
Length: 303 pages
Published: October 2008
Series: Stand-alone novel
So, you know how I started reading this book ages ago and then abandoned it? And you know how I did the same thing to Looking For Alaska, then ended up loving it and reading it within a few hours? Well, a similar scenario happened with Paper Towns. I just get sucked in by John Green's writing, all the time.

Swan Lake | Bristol Hippodrome

As I'm sure you can imagine, I was very excited when a pair of tickets to see the Swan Lake ballet by the Russian State Ballet Company was found amongst my Christmas presents. I've wanted to go the ballet for such a long time, and seeing Swan Lake has always been a kind of unrealistic dream. I've always been fascinated by ballet, and after seeing the albeit kind of bad movie Black Swan, I became a lot more intrigued.

Superdrug Colour Rewind Review (With Before & After Photos)

Hey guys. Today I thought I'd do my first Cruelty Free beauty post of the year! Someone who took my survey (thank you!) said that they'd like to see more beauty posts here on my blog, so I thought I'd do just that.

Tips For Charity Shopping

This post has been a long time coming - I think it was one of the first posts I ever decided on doing. But I didn't know how to photograph for it, plus I had a million other ideas so it was pushed aside until now.

My 2015 Reading Challenge

Over the course of 2014, I managed to read about 40 books. I'm not bothered at all about the amount that I read (I had several bad reading slumps over the year), but more about the fact that 80% of the books I read were re-reads. So for 2015, I thought I'd set myself a little reading challenge: to read one new book from a choice of 12 genres, almost all of which I've never read a book from before. And I thought: why not make a little info-graphic to go along with it? So if any of you guys want to join me in my challenge, feel free to save and share the image! But please credit me!

2015 Goals


Can you believe it's 2015 already? I feel as if January 2014 was like, ten minutes ago. And aside from the fact that it's a new year - it also means that in one month I'm going to be 20. How bloody terrifying. But before my existential crisis, I thought I'd jot down some of the things I hope to achieve this year. I've sectioned them off into three categories: blog, life and writing. You'll notice that I haven't mentioned anything about healthy eating/exercise and that is because I decided to set myself goals that I actually will enjoy achieving. Healthy eating is something I try to do anyway, but I'm not giving up my pizza or pasta for anything.