Hello October

Intentions, wishes and daydreams for the tenth month of the year.

My October To Do List
1. Make low-fodmap gravy granules, just in time for roast vegetable season.
2. Embrace the guidance offered to me but stand firmly on my own two feet.
3. Wear orange, red or black nail varnish permanently.
4. Finalise my Christmas gift idea list.
5. Reel back on the spending - save that £ for gifting!
6. Get outside and experience the changing colours.
7. Yoga, dammit!
8. Book my tiny baby her first appointment with the vet.
9. Work on my vegan cookie recipe.
10. Dance along with Strictly in the living room with my sister.

I'm hopefully spending some time at my Dad's flat this month, which means I can cycle around the park and along the harbour-side with my love, weather providing. Luke will also be working on a few of the days we're staying, so I can spend those hours with my Dad who is staying at his sister's. It's only a short bus ride away, so he can get to me easily, and who knows - maybe I'll attempt to conquer my fear of public transport.  

I also want to up my cooking game this month. My energy and motivation tends to spike in the morning (after my breakfast, medication and a few YouTube videos) and crashes at around 4-5pm, meaning I more often than not reach for a quick, convenient, less-tasty dinner instead of something I've put effort into. I've decided to appoint Sunday as my food-prep day for the week and I'll part-boil, roast and freeze or refrigerate a handful of root veggies, white potato and sweet potato. I've rediscovered my intense love of swede, which is something I ate so often as a child. I usually boil squares of it and sometimes roast them after, but can't cook it as well as my Nan does!

                 ☾ October Mood Board
A little visual inspiration for October ~

Following Holly's advice, to help unblock my creativity I've been spending time working on collages, in lots of different forms. I've always enjoyed creating 'aesthetic' Pinterest boards for my own fictional characters and other fictional humans (they're on my secret Pinterest account) and I thought I'd try my hand at creating a mood board for the month ahead. I'm a very visual person so seeing a collage of what I'm aiming for helps me reign myself in and focus. What do you think?

See you sometime next week, when I post my Lush Halloween picks and reviews! xx


  1. Can't believe it's October already! Time flies. And, wow, you are so early with your Christmas shopping reminder there but I guess it's good to start planning all these expenses. :)
    x finja ~ www.effcaa.com

    1. Crazy isn't it?! Ten months into 2017 already. And ohhh I know but it's so much easier to prepare things if I start this early! x

  2. Good luck with your goals this month Lauren! I totally need to fine-tune my meal prep skills, I just fall asleep on Sundays when I could be making lunch for the week ahead, heh x

    1. Thank you! Naps on Sundays are a must. I really struggle with lunches though, I need to source some new recipes! x

  3. Working on collages sounds like a great way to clear up your creativity block, it's what I often do when I can't seem to create anything new! Good luck with your goals love xx

    Sending light & love your way,
    My Lovelier Days | Bloglovin’

  4. Those are some really great goals for October! Good luck with all of them. x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

  5. Good luck on all your goals! I need to start saving and planning for Christmas too.

    I 'm also a visual person so I keep an actual mood board over my desk to inspire me. However, I love the idea of a digital mood board and I really love yours. ♥


  6. Good luck with your goals Lauren! :) xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal


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