Happy Easter! & to all of you that don't celebrate the holiday, Happy Sunday! I for one had a giant chunk of Easter egg for breakfast, alongside my peanut butter on toast. Cause I'm totally healthy like that. Surprisingly, though, I have managed to put the rest of the egg in the fridge for future reference because if I eat it all I think I'll die (or it'll trigger my acid reflux... but that's not as dramatic, is it?). Either way, today I am here with another Sunday Post! Back when I started What Lauren Did Today I did 'My Week' style posts yet only managed to do them every other week because my life isn't interesting enough to do it weekly and it appears that these Sunday Posts are following that pattern too. I'll try and be interesting enough to warrant a Sunday Post a week but I can't promise anything.
OUTFIT: Seeing Rainbows
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Top - Topshop (sale) // Skirt - H&M // Tights - Primark // Boots - Primark // Bag - George at Asda // Faux Fur Pom - Market // Sunglasses - Primark // Lipstick - Makeup Revolution
Hey guyz! Today I'm here with another possibly-boring-yet-very-realistic outfit post! I wasn't intending on doing another outfit post so soon after my last one but I got dressed on this particular day and I was like "do you know what, I FEEL PRETTY TODAY" and I thought I'd capture the moment. I just realised that both outfits I've posted so far have been very monochrome... I just like wearing black okay. I'm literally that person that's still wearing black skinnies and leggings mid-Summer. I just find it comforting, especially when I'm wearing something a little out of my comfort zone, which in this case were my sunglasses and the SKIRT! I raaaarely wear skirts but I just felt like it on this day so went with it.
The Sunday Post 01
Sunday, 13 March 2016

Luna lookin' cute | I finally updated my book reviews tab! | Early evening dog walks through the woods | Mothers Day roses | My latest read | Adorbz signs I saw in a shop in Keynsham.
WHAT A WEEK. If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen me tweet about 30 minutes ago saying I wanted to do this post but was SO TIRED so would possibly leave it until next week to start this new lil series... but then I realised how insane this week has been and I feel like it's one for the memory books, kids. So I'm gonna blog about it.
WHAT A WEEK. If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen me tweet about 30 minutes ago saying I wanted to do this post but was SO TIRED so would possibly leave it until next week to start this new lil series... but then I realised how insane this week has been and I feel like it's one for the memory books, kids. So I'm gonna blog about it.
Asking For It by Louise O'Neill
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Title: Asking For It
Author: Louise O'Neill
Genre: YA Contemporary (New Adult IMO)
Length: 344 Pages
Published: 3rd September 2015
I have to admit that I went into this book feeling a little nervous. Only Ever Yours had left me an insecure, sobbing, anxious wreck and I wasn't sure what emotional damage Asking For It was going to cause. As it turned out, it was a very difficult read. Especially the second half of the book, which begins one year after That Night. But before we get to that, let's go back to the beginning.
Using Crystals to Ease Anxiety
Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Tackling, managing and reducing my anxiety is something that I'm constantly working on. Whether that's through mindfulness techniques, facing my fears, crying in bed for an hour or simply by reading a positive quote. I do think that different techniques work for different people depending on what speaks to you on a mental and spiritual level, but today I thought I'd share something with you that I personally find helps with my anxiety: crystal therapy.
OUTFIT: Leopard & Grey
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Pleather Jacket - Primark // Leopard Print Scarf - Dorothy Perkins // Bag - George at Asda // Grey Pompom - Market // Grey V Neck Jumper - Sainsburys // Black Jeggings - H&M // Boots - Primark // Lipstick - B. Doll's House // Glasses - Lipsy via Tesco Opticians
I asked on Twitter recently if outfit posts were something you wanted to see more of on What Lauren Did Today. I was met with a nearly-resounding yes (one cheeky person clicked no) and within a few days I had my first batch of photos to share with you. I've always wanted to do outfit posts, but I felt like my outfits were too boring/plain/'cheap' and very much unlike most other outfit posts I read. You'll very rarely spot me wearing something from somewhere like Topshop, Urban Outfitters or Zara - unless it's an item I've picked up in a charity shop! My wardrobe is full of clothes I've either bought from charity shops and car boot sales or from budget-friendly places like Primark, H&M, New Look and supermarkets. Instead of being embarrassed, I've decided to celebrate these facts by sharing my outfits with you!
February Favourites
Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Despite this being one of the worst Februaries I've had in a very long time, I've managed to come out the other side with a handful of favourites! Of course, as this is a favourites post on What Lauren Did Today there is one item missing from this photo (the Lush Prince Charming shower gel). It seems to be my 'thing' to forget something each time I do one. Soz about that.
Hello March
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Hello March! Thank Gawd you're here. I would ask if we could pretend January and February didn't exist but I feel like I need to remember how rubbish they were in order to enjoy March a little more thoroughly. I'm hoping that the beginning of this new month (and the promise of Spring looming on the horizon) means that I'll finally be able to start fresh and begin to rebuild my life. My mental health stance is still shaky but I'm getting there - something that, one month ago, I truly believed was impossible. I think the return of the sunshine has a lot to do with it. I no longer feel like my days end at 4pm and I don't feel as suffocated by the darkness outside. Spring is all about rebirth and fresh, beautiful things so I'm drawing inspiration from that and am going to make March amazing. I have a lot of exciting ideas for What Lauren Did Today, including brand new content and re-invigorating old features. I'm hoping I can regain my blogging mojo and manage to post according to my old schedule again!
I hope that March is fabulous for you!
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