Despite it being mid-way through the week, here's a little insight into what I hope to achieve by Sunday. Never to late to start, eh!
Meet Luna
Saturday, 27 September 2014
If you follow me on Instagram you might have already seen me pop up a photo of her, but I felt a full-on blog introduction was necessary. Meet Luna. My new little kitten. She is 9 weeks old and is black (dark brown in sunlight) with two white half socks on her front paws and full white socks on her back paws. She has the biggest green eyes, ever. And she's just so cute I just aydhfisdnvklsn. As a little introduction I found a tag named 'The Furry Friend Tag' and I thought it was adorable and very fitting for this post.
My Week #4
Sunday, 21 September 2014

my new baby Luna! // obsessed with beans on toast crisps & mcdonalds mozzarella sticks // my new glasses // pastel sunset // flowers from mum // wrecking this journal with my boyfriend

It's been such a long time since I've done one of these! I just always found that there weren't enough photos to make posting worth it, but this week was so busy that I finally have some pictures to share.
Wreck This Journal #1
Monday, 15 September 2014
After seeing a billion blog posts and Pinterest photos of this creative project, I finally bought myself a Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith (plus one for my boyfriend) and have been having so much fun with it. I like to think of myself as a creative person, but I'm more of a writer than an artist. I write short stories and post them online and, obviously, I pen this blog but I just don't have the hand-eye co-ordination to draw something pretty. So I thought the next best thing creatively was to completely and artistically destroy something. Mwahaha.
Looking For Alaska by John Green
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Title: Looking For Alaska
Author: John Green
Genre: Young Adult
Length: 221 pages
Published: March 2005
Trying to write out a coherent review for this book is actually rather difficult. I think it's probably because I still don't feel much closure from it - I still think about the events in the book and try and figure them out, and I can honestly say that it's left a lasting effect on me. And what's strange is I hated this book when I first attempted to read it - seriously, I put it down about halfway through. But a few weeks ago I picked it up again and was amazed. I read it in a few hours. And I was left thinking about it long after that.
September Goals
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

I am so ready for September. Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons - I love the cold, the jumpers, the roaring fires and the seasonal events. Thoughts of Halloween cupcakes and Bonfire Night nail art and the Lush Christmas collection... I just adore Autumn/Winter, I can't wait!
August Reading Wrap Up
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

As mentioned in my August Goals post, I wanted to try and read at least three new books this month. I'm such a huge re-reader and I always choose to re-read books instead of picking up the new ones I've bought but I'm glad to report I've accomplished this small task. Yay!
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